1. Squirrels are a creation of God above and He put them here for good reasons.
2. Squirrels are not responsible for power shortages.
3. Believe it or not, there are endangered species of squirrel. 4. Squirrels are not responsible for home damage.
5. Squirrels respect the properties of people who they trust.
6. Squirrels are so cute! 7. People can choose to be kind to animals. 8. Contrary to the belief of certain squirrel haters, squirrels did not cause the black plague in Europe.
9. Squirrels are very docile and tamable creatures.
10. They are very interesting creatures. 11. People who know a lot about them tend to love them, and vice versa. 12. The "Top 10 reasons why squirrels must die" on the Squirrel Defamation League page are irrelevent. Squirrels do not deserve to die for the things they do. |
And now for some humor...
1. Squirrels don't fly around and poop all over my car right after I wash it. 2. Squirrels have much better tails! 3. Squirrels have a lot more personality. 4. People can relate to squirrels more because they're mammals; birds are not. 5. Squirrels can go up really fast without needing wings. 6. Squirrels are cuter than birds by far. 7. Squirrels will sit and let you watch them nibble, but birds fly off with the food. 8. Squirrel nests have rooves. 9. You don't call dumb people "squirrel brain." 10. Never seen a bird crack a nut so well.
1. Humans are the spawn of satan!
2. Humans make power lines to trick us into thinking they're for climbing on, then zap!
3. There are too many humans! They're in our way!
4. Humans cut down our homes!
5. Humans don't respect animal life!
6. Humans are very ugly!
7. Humans run over us with those terrible... things!
8. Humans are responsible for the black plague!
9. Humans shoot us with those strange-looking sticks that small rocks come out of!
10. Humans steal our food!
11. Humans are prejudiced against us! Many feed those nasty primitive birds and refuse to share with squirrels.