I am Andrew Watts, a graduate of the University of Florida. Before I was a student there, I have attended Daytona Beach Community College. My major was Zoology and my minor was supposed to be music (see below for what kind of music I listen too). I plan on moving to out west to seek an animal-related job, maybe at a pet store, animal hospital or zoo. Or perhaps as a wildlife biologist working for the Parks and Wildlife division. Or I'd like to start my own exotic pet store. I've always wanted to live in a quiet place in the country where I can observe wildlife and compose music without having to deal with a lot of people. I currently work at Wal-Mart in DeSoto, TX as a Instock Team Member. (At least that's better than my last job at a call center).Employers: Click here to view my resume. Another goal of mine is to get back into college and get a major in music composition.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to also mention that I'm a born-again Christian. However, due to some doubts I've been having, I recently started researching about apologetics. Please see my YouTube Videos regarding my faith and other things: My YouTube Channel (cre8ivmind)
People always thought I was a nerd, but I can't help it; I have Asperger Syndrome. I think differently than most people. I find that most of my peers like to do what others of my age do (such as watch sports and listen to loud music and stuff like that); but I choose my own path of life. I don't like sports or popular music played loudly; I like things that most people consider trivial. I don't like it when people have a closed mind. I have always been trying to find the appropriate woman, preferably one who shares my interests and goals in life. I finally found one after I had the courage to ask out a girl from my Sunday School class. Her name is Rachel.
However, we broke up, so I'm currently looking again. I have moved away from Lake Mary, FL, where I lived from January 2002-September 2003. I moved to the Dallas area in Texas in November 2003, and lived in several cities in the area, but I still want to move further out west. I've always been an animal lover throughout my life. My other interests include science-fiction and languages of the world. As you can see, I tend to use () (parentheses) a lot. I guess I just like to add details of what I'm saying.
View my blogs for updates:
Andrew's MySpace Blog
Andrew's Squirrel Blog
As mentioned above, I don't listen to what is thought of as "popular" music. The type of music I'm interested in is instrumental New Age and World music. One of my favorite artist is R. Carlos Nakai (a Native American flutist). I like music that is relaxing. I don't understand how people consider rap to be enjoyable.
Name: | Gender: | Species: | Wild/Pet: | About: |
Ariel | Female | Richardson Ground squirrel(Spermophilus richardsoni) | Pet | I got her and Fenwick shipped to me from an exotic pet dealer in Houston in spring 2005. She is very cute and tame. |
Bailey (a.k.a. Bayla) | Male | Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) | Pet (no longer mine) | Bailey came to visit in the summer of 2001, from his other guardian, Caroline. He was brought back to me at the beginning of February 2002. He's very chubby, and needs to lose weight. He's relatively friendly, unless provoked. In September 2003, he went back with Caroline, along with Chaba. |
Caramel | Male | Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) | Pet | Nibbles and Caramel were given to me by someone who can no longer keep them. I plan on pairing Caramel with a future daughter of Scalisti, most likely Vanilla. |
Chaba (a.k.a. Chubs) | Female | Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) | Pet (no longer mine) | I found an ad in the paper for 2 prairie dogs for sale, so I jumped to the opportunity and bought her and Beauty. She is cute and tiny, and has a missing left hind foot. She loves being scratched. In September 2003, she was given to Caroline. |
Fenwick | Male | Richardson Ground squirrel(Spermophilus richardsoni) | Pet | I got him and Ariel shipped to me from an exotic pet dealer in Houston in spring 2005. He is very cute and tame. |
Mancha | Female | Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) | Pet | Mancha is my first prairie dog; and I got her from a local pet store. She's bites a little but not too hard. Her name means "Spot" in Spanish, even though she doesn't have any spots. |
Nibbles | Female | Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) | Pet | Nibbles and Caramel were given to me by someone who can no longer keep them. Currently, Nibbles is living with Scalisti because she wasn't getting along as well with Caramel. She is not very tame. |
Orchid | Female | Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) | Pet | Plumeria and Orchid were given to me by someone who can no longer keep them. They are now additional mates for Scalisti. Orchid is skinnier than Plumeria, and moves very fast when loose. She had two babies in April 2003, Shadow and QT. Shadow has a home, and QT passed away :-(. |
Rakita | Female | Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) | Pet | I donated my plasma to buy her back in September 1999. She is Scalisti's mate. She had two offspring back in late summer 2002, Areka and Nita, who have been given new homes. She had another baby, Nutkin, in June 2003. |
Scalisti | Male | Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) | Pet | He's my first pet squirrel, I got him shipped to me from Texas during summer of 1997. He's the smallest and oldest of my flying squirrels, and became the dad of a total of 5 offspring with Orchid and Rakita. |
Sunda | Female | Prevost's Squirrel (Callosciurus prevosti) | Pet | She's my first Prevost squirrel. I got her in March 2006 when she was 8 months old. She will take food from my hands and let me pet her, but will not let me pick her up. |
Tasha | Female | Collie Dog (Canis familiaris collie) | Pet | I have decided to get a dog in order to broaden my horizons so that it won't look like I only care about squirrels and nothing else. I got Tasha in November 2007 as a puppy. She's a sweet dog, and wonderful companion. |
Name: | Gender: | Species: | Wild/Pet: | About: |
Avellana | Female | Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) | Pet | Avellana was a daughter of Scalisti and Rakita born in April 2004. She was very tame. She passed suddenly in December 2004. |
Beauty (a.k.a. Buddha) | Female | Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) | Pet; deceased | I found an ad in the paper for 2 prairie dogs for sale, so I jumped to the opportunity and bought her and Chaba. She is very sweet and cuddly. She bites, but she's only being playful. Sadly, she passed away in early February 2004. |
Browntail | Female | Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) | Wild | I met Browntail in autumn of 1999. She was the tamest and prettiest squirrel on the campus of UF, and the only one who let me pet her. As her name implies, her tail was unusually browner than on most of the other squirrels. She also had a black tip on it. She disappeared during autumn of 2000. |
Chuzzlewit | Male | Richardson Ground Squirrel(Spermophilus richardsoni) | Pet | Chuzzlewit is my second Richardson ground squirrel. I got him from a pet store in Plano, TX in April 2004. He was very affectionate, and got along well with Mancha. He passed away from a mysterious illness in March 2005. |
Nina | Female | Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus) | Pet; deceased | Nina was previously owned by the people who had my pets in their apartment while I was attending UF. When I visited my pets every day, I would often see Nina too. She wasn't very tame, and was ALWAYS sleeping. Sadly, she passed away on the Saturday after Thanksgiving 2000. |
Plumeria | Female | Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) | Pet | Plumeria and Orchid were given to me by someone who can no longer keep them. They are now additional mates for Scalisti. Plumeria is heavier than Orchid and is tamer. She passed suddenly in January 2005. |
Rikki | Female | Richardson Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus richardsonii) | Pet; deceased | I bought her from a pet store in Ft. Lauderdale in the summer of 1998 after a friend of mine gave me money to buy her. Sadly, she was put to sleep at the end of June 2001 due to malignant tumors known as carcinoma. She was the most affectionately lovable pet I've ever had. |
Sadie | Female | Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) | Pet | Sadie was my fifth prairie dog; and I got her from someone who could no longer keep her in spring 2004 when she was 2 years old. She did not like being picked up, but loved being scratched. She passed away after a tragic accident in October 2005. |
Simon | Male | Siberian Chipmunk(Tamias sibiricus) | Pet | He was my first chipmunk, I got him from a pet store in Plano, TX. He only lived 4 months. :( |
Vanilla | female | Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) | Pet | She is the daughter of Scalisti and Orchid, born in April 2005. She was very tame. She had some complications, and passed away in September 2005. |
See the above squirrels come to life in a cool photo cube which I added a spotlight to. You can see me and my squirrel friends out of the cube here.
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Long Live Squirrels!!
The Squirrel
My Pet Page
The Prairie Dog Burrow
My Music Page
My MySpace.com Profile
Squirrel Awareness Blog - New!
Your Ideal Home - Is it like mine?
How much do you resemble me?
How animal-smart are you?
Trek Animals - This group is especially for animal lovers or pet owners who are fans of Star Trek. The purpose of this group is to discuss animals that have been seen in all 5 Star Trek series and the movies. This includes Klingon targs, tribbles, Data's cat Spot, and this list goes on... This is also a list to share stories of your pets and your favorite Star Trek episodes and characters.
Squirrel Family - This mailing list is for those of you who enjoy squirrels, flying squirrels, prairie dogs, chipmunks, or groundhogs (woodchucks). You don't have to have the above animals as pets to join this list; this is for enthusiasts as well. Primarily, we will be talking about members of the squirrel family.
Note: No Anti-Squirrel or Anti-Me messages will be shown. I try not to let that kind of stuff bother me, because it shows that such people do not have an open mind, and don't know anything about me. Before you decide to say anything negative about me,