Related Links:
".Com" Sites
Homecage - The NEW homecage of my pet flying squirrel.
Hail to the
Squirrels - Cool site supporting squirrels that will take over the world.
The Squirrel Lover's
Club - I'm a proud member of this squirrel-supporting club. Now in Russian!
Zen and the Art of
Squirrel Watching - Chinese philosophy on the art of watching squirrels.
Jon Gottshall's Squirrel
Page - I got cool pictures from this squirrelly site.
Herman Miller's
Squirrel Page - I got squirrel pictures from this cool site.
Beger's Squirrel Place - New address, same squirrels.
Squirrel Page - Yet another squirrelly homepage
J.D. Woods' Squirrelman - I'm
not the only Squirrelman around here...
Owca's Squirrel Page - Another
informative squirrel page.
Vancouver Island Marmot
Pages - Info on an endangered woodchuck-like creature.
California Ground Squirrels
- Info on frequently misunderstood creatures. This page will tell you that
these critters aren't as bad as they've been portrayed. Although there is
nothing on this page that mentions the plague, many officials believe, due to
faulty investigations, that the California Ground Squirrel is a carrier of the
plague. This is not true!!!
I Love
Squirrels - A page dedicated to the best animal in the whole entire world!
Japanese Squirrel
Page - Interesting pictures of Japanese squirrels and chipmunks. Now in
Squirrellink Brown
Pages - Lots of Links; the yellow text is kinda hard to read.
Squirrel Den - This women likes the cute furry critters too!
Search for Squirrels - I made this link so you can go directly to squirrel
sites without any talk of hunting squirrels. Although it may be helpul, this
search contains too many anti-squirrel bird-feeder sites.
Wildlife Rehab - I'm not the only squirrel-lover who has been on
SquirrelWorld - Info on
Squirrel care.
Squirrels, cute but
don't touch - Something telling you that squirrels are ment to be wild.
Poem by Joseph Baldwin
Planet of the
A Kewl
squirrel page Squirrel experiences.
Anti-Defamation League The opposite of the Squirrel Defamation League;
heck, I'm doing the same thing!
"Boo-Boo" Inc. Squirrel
World - The page with an interesting story about a squirrel who has his
own company.
My Prairie Dog
Burrow - I made this so people can respect prairie dogs more.
Squirrel Page - Eurasian Red Squirrel in Holland
Sandy's Squirrel Site
- Cute Squirrel pics.
Wisty's Squirrel page - Info on cute red, gray, and other squirrels.
The Squirrel
Place - Yet more info on the furry critters.
Treehouse - A John Denver and Rocky fan. Nice pics!
Tufty - The Rock-Chick
Future Squirrels of
America - Join this.
Squirrels - A very funny squirrel site.
Not a
subliminal message - Squirrels rule!
Welcome to
Squirrelys - Bill Cooper's squirrel page
Grey Squirrel's Page of
Silliness - Humourous squirrel site.
My Pet Squirrel - This studmuffin squirrel will make you laugh.
"Hats Off" Squirrel Corn - A
great link for squirrel food.
Squirrel Land - A great place with a squirrel cam and other
interesting squirrelly things.
".Org" Sites
Virtual Zoo: Squirrels - An informative cyberzoo about squirrels.
The Good Opinion of
Squirrels - a book you should read.
squirrel page - Has cute red squirrels (American and European) on the top
of the page.
Squirrel World - A humour page; I don't really think the maker loves
Squirrel Wildlife
Rehabilitation - Learn to help those in
need. ".Edu" Sites
Amanda's Zoo:
Squirrels - Another squirrel cyberzoo, only this one's part of a personal
of the White Squirrels - This is about the albino phase of the Eastern
Gray Squirrel.
Beger's Squirrel Page - Another cool squirrel homepage
Guys Next Door - Something about squirrels at a college campus.
Hollocher's Squirrel Gallery - Nice squirrel pictures.
Squirrel Constitution
- Go here if you want to be a squirrel.
The Chipmunk's
Burrow - Chipmunks are squirrels too so I included this page.
Almanac - By Peg Halloran.
Family - The squirrel family.
News - Stuff about squirrelly experiences.
Twiggy the
Water-Skiing Squirrel - I'm a big fan of him!
Squirrel Page - - It's got lots of stuff.
Squirrel Page - Cute pictures of Eastern and Western gray squirrels, fox
squirrels, and ground squirrels
- About a friendly squirrel named "Gray."
".Net" Sites
The Squirrel's Nest -
Something about raising orphan baby squirrels.
Scene - Another squirrel lover with great pictures and comics.
Another Squirrel Gallery -
More squirrel pictures.
Shiron's Exotics - Here's
where you can shop for many species of squirrel as pets.
Squirrel Cam -
Other Sites
To a Squirrel
at Kyle-A-No-No - a Squirrel Poem.
Farley's Squirrelman - Another Squirrelman; this one's a comic.
Gmelin's Squirrel Page - If you speak German, go here.
Marmot Network - Kinda like a Marmot Fan Club. I might wanna join.
Squirrel page - An interesting page dedicated to Eurasian Red Squirrels
Squirrel Watcher's Page
- Another Japanese squirrel page!
Squirrels need love
too! - Cute red squirrel pics.
Dutch Squirrel
Rescue Foundation - New! Squirrel Links by State:
Alabama -
Wildlife Rehab
Arizona -
Endangered Mount Graham Red Squirrel
Florida -
Attracting Squirrels.
Mississippi -
Basic info on Mississippian Gray and Fox squirrels
Dakota - About 11 species live here.
Texas -
About the Gray squirrel, even though the picture looks like a fox squirrel.