Things I believe
Below is a list of various things I believe. I don't really believe in political labels such as "liberal" or "conservative," which are full of stereotypes. Say you have two issues that have nothing to do with each other: Issue A and Issue B. If both these issues are labeled as either "liberal" or "conservative," politicians and other morons believe that if you support Issue A, you automatically also support Issue B. Here are some of my beliefs, under their poorly given labels:
- Pro-life:
I am pro-life because abortion is murder. Many pro-choice people say they do not approve of abortion unless the woman's life is in danger. One website, quotes: "If the baby is placing the mother's life at risk, a competent obstetrician must utilize the quickest method to remove the baby, thus placing the mother out of danger. The dilation procedure in PBA involves the insertion of laminaria (seaweed) to dilate the cervix and promote premature labor. On average, partial birth abortion takes three days to complete. The appropriate method when an emergency delivery is required is a C-section, which is quick, and saves both the mother and baby's life."
Pro-Life Links:
National Right to Life
Pro-Life America
Pro-Life Action League
Pro-Woman, Pro-Life
American Life League
Jews for Life
- Pro-religion in public schools:
Ever since biblical teachings have been removed from schools, SAT scores have dropped dramatically. Kids have been using drugs and have been in violent crimes as a result.
- Pro-environment:

I believe protecting God's creation is important, because it gives us cleaner air and water, and preserves creation for generations to enjoy. The beauty of our earth increases human morale. One may argue that the earth is going to end soon, so there wouldn't be any point saving our wild lands. On the contrary, if someone is sick, you don't just take them off life support. The same applies to our planet. President George W. Bush takes political stereotypes to the extreme. He assumes that just because you're Republican, you have to show complete apathy and disregard for nature, the environment, and wildlife. Bush and other right-wing extremists think that God gave us the Earth for the sole purpose of destroying it. On the contrary, God gave us the responsibility as stewards to take care of His creation.
Christian Environmental Sites:
Earth Stewards
Web of Creation
National Religious Partnership for the Environment
North American Coalition for Christianity and Ecology
European Christian Environmental Network
Evangelical Environmental Network
Earth Ministry
Christian Ecology in UK
A Rocha
Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies
Target Earth
Catholic Conservation Center
Restoring Eden
- Pro-gun control:
There should be strict limits on gun use. More licenses should be required, and prices raised. All hunting seasons, for every species and every region, should be limited to protect mother animals raising their young.
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